SEET 2019 Southern Europe Experimental Team’s Meeting, Ibiza

Ibiza 578566 1920

The Experimental Community of Southern Europe is pleased to announce the 10th anniversary edition of SEET workshop (Southern Europe Experimental Team’s Meeting), organized by Guillermo Mateu (Burgundy School of Business) in collaboration with Maria Sard (Universitat de les Illes Balears).
The meeting  held in Ibiza (Spain), from the 06th to the 08th of February 2019.
The meeting promotes active interaction among researchers in experimental economics, behavioural economics and related areas. We also encourage theoretical contributions.
A list of potential topics/sessions includes, but is not limited to, behavioural economics and game theory, including social preferences, risk attitudes, monetary and non-monetary incentives, real and financial markets, field experiments, industrial organization, labor economics, gender economics, networks, and neuroeconomics.

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